CyberDuo Marketplace


Enterprise Cloud Email Security Solutions Reinvented

Avanan has redefined email security with its innovative inline protection and advanced machine learning capabilities since its inception in 2016. As pioneers in the field, Avanan is dedicated to continuously innovating and shaping the future of email and collaboration security.

Key Innovations:

  • Comprehensive Protection: Safeguards the entire collaboration suite, including email, file sharing, and communication platforms.
  • API-Based Inline Solution: First to offer an API-based approach that blocks threats in real-time before they reach the user’s inbox.
  • Microsoft Teams Security: Implements advanced security measures for Microsoft Teams, ensuring safe collaboration.
  • Sophisticated Threat Detection: Uses true machine learning to catch sophisticated attacks that traditional solutions miss.


  • Phishing Protection: Advanced algorithms detect and prevent phishing attempts, safeguarding sensitive information.
  • Malware Defense: Robust defense mechanisms block malware and ransomware attacks.
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Prevents data breaches by monitoring and controlling data transfer within the organization.
  • User Behavior Analysis: Continuously learns and adapts to the organization’s unique communication patterns to improve security efficacy.
  • Seamless Integration: Easily integrates with existing email platforms like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace without disrupting workflows.

Commitment to Customers:

  • Customer-Centric Focus: Avanan’s AI learns from customer interactions to provide tailored security solutions.
  • Exceptional Service: Dedicated to providing top-notch service and support, going above and beyond customer expectations.
  • Innovation Driven by Feedback: Actively listens to customer feedback to enhance and refine their security offerings.


  • Enhanced Security: Provides unmatched protection against a wide range of email and collaboration threats.
  • User-Friendly: Intuitive and easy to deploy, minimizing the burden on IT teams.
  • Cost-Effective: Reduces the need for multiple security solutions, offering comprehensive protection in one platform.
  • Proactive Threat Management: Keeps the organization one step ahead of cyber threats with real-time updates and innovations.